Hey There
This year, for the first time in 2 years, Y4CN was able to organize its Annual Forum in person.
After two years of digital events, this forum was a breeze of fresh air.
This event saw the participation of 30 persons, from a dozen different organizations, all working toward the social and professional inclusion of excluded young adults.
The event was in two parts, the first part with the testimonies of 4 of Y4CN members, and the second part which followed the format of World Café.

This year reports contains the testimonies of several of our guests, the sum-up of the discussions and the 20 actions find by the participants. Download it, and share it with a maximum of people!

Edith Carine MAMIFO
Global Compassion
Sport dans la Ville
Maria Elisa ORDONEZ
Plateforme i
Philippe AXUS
Yunus Centre Paris

Our first testimony was delivered by Edith Carine Mamifo working for Global Compassion, an NGO based in Cameroon. Due to visa issues, she was not able to be physically present during the forum. She did, however, record her testimony, and share the work of the association on youth inclusion.​
If you want more information about the association, you can go to their website, following this link:

Our third testimony was delivered by Maria Elisa Ordonez, working for Plateforme I from the group SOS. She came accompanied by a former youth of the program. Together they explained how Plateforme I help the youth find themselves, and to develop their capacities. ​
If you want more information about the association, you can go to their website, following this link:
Our second testimony was delivered by Sonny Nsilulu, working for the association Sport dans la Ville in France and director of the program ''Sport dans la Ville''. In his testimony, he talked about the project '', and how it accompanies excluded youth in their job search.
If you want more information about the association you can go to their website, following this link:

Our last testimony was delivered by Philippe Axus, director of the Yunus Centre in Paris. During his testimony, he presented the work of Professor Yunus in Bangladesh and in the world, with a focus on the 3 zero clubs.
If you want more information about the project, you can go to their website, following this link: