A closer look at the inequality of opportunity at school
RDJeunes launches a laboratory to study the barriers to academic achievement
in Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, France.
Our member association, RDJeunes pour la réussite, has been working with the Youth of Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, France, since 2015. The charity aims to raise awareness about the inequality of opportunity at school, which can in turn impact on the social and professional inclusion of young adults into society.
To push the idea further, RDJeunes has decided to launch an 'Observatoire des Inégalités Scolaires' with a cycle of conferences in Villeneuve-Saint-Georges for every audience: newcomers as well as experts. The objective is to gather together different actors in society to discuss the types of inequality faced by Youth at school today, and find solutions that could be implemented first in Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, with a view to benefiting other areas across France in the future.